- 18th of July, Concert hall of Palazzo Pisani in Venice (Conservatory of Music "Benedetto Marcello")
20:00: Welcome dinner
21:00: Automatic piano concert
- 19th of July, 9:00-15:00
Oral session at the Telecom Future Centre in Venice
9.00: Registration and welcome reception
9.20: Software tools for automatic music performance. Jonas Masko, Jonathan Fischer Friberg, and Anders Friberg
9.40: Automatic music "listening" for automatic music performance: a grandpiano dynamics classifier. Diego Di Carlo and Antonio Roda’
10.00: Analysis and prediction of expressive dynamics using Bayesian linear models. Maarten Grachten, Carlos Cancino, and Gerhard Widmer
10.20: Interacting With Algorithmic Music Through Semantic Descriptors. Fabio Morreale, Raul Masu, and Antonella De Angeli
10.40: The "Hand Composer": gesture-driven Music Composition Machines. Marcella Mandanici and Sergio Canazza
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30-12.10: Autonomously Acquiring "Human-like Behaviors" of Agents with Biological Constraints - A Case Study of Constructing Computer Mario Player. Haruhiro Katayose, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. (invited speaker)
12.10: Open ended descriptions of computer assisted interpretations of musical performance: An investigation of individual differences. Emery Schubert and Gunter Kreutz
12.30: The preservation and restoration of systems for automatic music performance. Federica Bressan
12.50: Final discussion
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.00: Panel on open issues and perspectives for automatic music performance